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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
A tool to compute and explore statistically-equivalent path models based on GGMs. CRAN:
Tools for Continuous-Time Dynamical Network Analysis. Github page:
Estimate auto- and cross-correlations from irregularly spaced time series. Github:
I strive to make the code I use for analyses in all of my papers open and available through reproducibility archives, found through my publications page
Published in Emotion, 2014
Recommended citation: Hepper, E. G., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Ritchie, T. D., Yung, Y. F., Hansen, N.,...Ryan, O., & Stephan, E. & Vingerhoets, A. J. J. (2014). Pancultural Nostalgia: Prototypical Conceptions Across Cultures. Emotion, 14(4).
Published in Psychological Methods, 2017
Recommended citation: van de Schoot, R., Winter, S. D., Ryan, O., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M., & Depaoli, S. (2017). A systematic review of Bayesian articles in psychology: The last 25 years. Psychological Methods, 22(2), 217-239.
Published in Continuous Time Modeling in the Behavioral and Related Sciences, 2018
Recommended citation: Ryan, O., Kuiper, R. M., & Hamaker, E. L. (2018). A Continuous Time Approach to Intensive Longitudinal Data: What, Why and How? In In K. v. Montfort, J. H. L. Oud, & M. C. Voelkle (Eds.), Continuous Time Modeling in the Behavioral and Related Sciences. Springer, Cham.
Published in Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 2018
Recommended citation: Bastiaansen, J.A., Kunkels, Y. K., ... Ryan, O., ... Albers, C.J., & Bringmann, L.F.
Published in Structural Equation Modeling, 2018
Recommended citation: Kuiper, R. M., & Ryan, O. (2018). Drawing conclusions from cross-lagged relationships: Re-considering the role of the time-interval. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(5), 809-823.
Published in Structural Equation Modeling, 2019
Recommended citation: Kuiper, R. M., & Ryan, O. (2020). Meta-analysis of lagged regression models: A continuous-time approach. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(3), 396-413.
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 2019
Recommended citation: Hamaker, E. L., & Ryan, O. (2019). A squared standard error is not a measure of individual differences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(14), 6544-6545.
Published in PloS One, 2020
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Dablander, F.*, Ryan, O.*, & Haslbeck, J. M. B* (2020). Choosing between AR (1) and VAR (1) models in typical psychological applications. PloS one, 15(10), e0240730.
Published in BMC Medicine, 2020
Recommended citation: Groen, R. N., Ryan, O., Wigman, J. T., Riese, H., Penninx, B. W., Giltay, E. J., Wichers, M. & Hartman, C. A. (2020). Comorbidity between depression and anxiety: assessing the role of bridge mental states in dynamic psychological networks. BMC medicine, 18(1), 1-17.
Published in , 2021
Doctoral Dissertation
Recommended citation: Ryan, O. (2020) Dynamic Systems and Causal Structures in Psychology: Connecting Data and Theory (Doctoral Dissertation). DOI: ISBN: 978-94-6416-145-8
Published in Multivariate Behavioral Research, 2021
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Haslbeck, J. M.B * & Ryan, O.* (2021). Recovering within-person dynamics from psychological time series. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57:5, 735-766.
Published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2021
Recommended citation: Robinaugh, D. J., Haslbeck, J. M. B, Ryan, O., Fried, E. I., & Waldorp, L. J. (2021). Invisible hands and fine calipers: A call to use formal theory as a toolkit for theory construction. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 725-743.
Published in Psychological Methods, 2021
Joint First Authorship with Haslbeck and Robinaugh
Recommended citation: Haslbeck, J.M.B.* , Ryan, O.*, Robinaugh, D. J.* , Waldorp, L. J., & Borsboom, D. (2021). Modeling psychopathology: From data models to formal theories. Psychological Methods.
Published in Psychological Methods, 2021
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Haslbeck, J.M.B*, Ryan, O.*, & Dablander, F.* (2021). The sum of all fears: Comparing networks based on symptom sum-scores. Psychological Methods.
Published in Network Psychometrics with R, 2022
Recommended citation: Haslbeck, J. M.B, Ryan, O., van der Maas, H. L., & Waldorp, L. J. Modeling Change in Networks. In A.M Isvoranu, S. Epskamp, L.J. Waldorp and D. Borsboom (eds.) Network Psychometrics with R (pp. 193-209). Routledge, New York
Published in Psychometrika, 2022
Recommended citation: Ryan, O., & Hamaker, E. L. (2022). Time to intervene: A continuous-time approach to network analysis and centrality. Psychometrika, 87(1), 214–252
Published in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2022
Recommended citation: Ryan, O., Bringmann, L. F., & Schuurman, N. K. (2022). The Challenge of Generating Causal Hypotheses Using Network Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal.
Published in PsyArxiv, 2022
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Ryan, O.*, & Dablander, F.* (2022, Nov 2). Equilibrium Causal Models: Connecting Dynamical Systems Modeling and Cross-Sectional Data Analysis
Published in PsyArxiv, 2022
In-Principle Accepted at Language Learning
Recommended citation: Spit, S., Andringa, S. & Ryan, O. (2022, Nov 11). Investigating the relation between second language proficiency and study success using a causal inference approach
Published in PsyArxiv, 2022
Recommended citation: Haqiqatkhah, M. M., Ryan, O., & Hamaker, E.L. (2022, November 26). Skewness and staging: Does the floor effect induce bias in multilevel AR (1) models?
Published in PsyArxiv, 2023
Recommended citation: Robinaugh, D.J, Haslbeck, J. M. B., Waldorp, L., Kossakowski, J. J., Fried, E. I., Millner, A., McNally, R.J., Ryan, O., de Ron, J., van der Maas, H.L.J., van Nes, E.H., Scheffer, M., Kendler, K.S., & Borsboom, D. (2023, Feb 18). Advancing the Network Theory of Mental Disorders: A Computational Model of Panic Disorder
Published in PsyArxiv, 2023
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Ryan, O.*, Dablander, F.* & Haslbeck, J.M.B* (2023) Towards a Generative Model for Emotion Dynamics
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2023
Recommended citation: Coppersmith, D. D.L, Ryan, O., Fortgang, R.G., Millner, A.J, Kleiman, E.M, & Nock, M.K (2023) Mapping the Timescale of Suicidal Thinking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(17), e2215434120
Published in Emotion, 2023
Joint First Authorship
Recommended citation: Haslbeck, J.M.B*, Ryan, O.*, & Dablander, F.*. Multimodality and Skewness in Emotion Time Series. Emotion. Advance Online Publication
Published in PsyArxiv, 2023
Recommended citation: Ryan, O., Haslbeck, J.M.B & Waldorp, L.J. (2023) Non-Stationarity in Time-Series Analysis: Modeling Stochastic and Deterministic Trends
Feedback loops and cyclic relationships are a mainstay of dynamical systems modelling, yet they are conspicuously absent in much of causal inference, where Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) abound. Cycles do indeed have a place in causal inference, yet, in order to understand them, it is necessary to map causal models and causal intuitions back onto dynamical systems. To do this we can make use of Equilibrium Causal Models (ECMs), causal abstractions of dynamical systems which a) allow researchers to reason about the long time-scale effects of interventions and b) can potentially be learned from cross-sectional data. In this short talk, we give a brief motivation of ECMs, discuss how they relate to contemporary issues in psychological research, and sketch a simulation study to assess the feasibility of learning cyclic causal structures in practice.
Part of the symposium “New Approaches to Analyzing Psychological Time Series”. Slides Here
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
As a pre-conference workshop to EAM 2021, myself and Noémi Schuurman gave a two part workshop on discrete and continuous-time modeling of time series data in R. The workshop materials can be found here
A two part workshop on discrete and continuous-time modeling of time series data in R. The workshop materials can be found here
On November 7th and December 10th I gave a two part workshop to professional data scientists working at the University Medical Centre, Utrecht. The aim of the workshop was to introduce researchers to modern methods for causal modeling. Workshop materials for both days, including lecture slides and R lab materials, can be found here
This hands-on workshop introduced formal theories (computational models) to a general psychology audience, covering the motivation for computational modeling approaches, examples, getting started with formalization using causal graphs, and practical coding examples. The material of the workshop was prepared jointly with Don Robinaugh and Jonas Haslbeck. All workshop materials can be found here. The full workshop abstract can be found here
Information and workshop materials can be found here.
Workshop on methods to evalute the causal effects of policy evaluations from administrative data of different types.
Materials here. Based on a one-day workshop developed for ODISSEI, full materials available here